By: Thom Fain
Judging from his crazy energy and checklist of conquests, it can be hard to remember El Phantasmo is well into a 15-year career as a puroresu innovator. The 2x IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Tag Team Champion and back-to-back winner of Super J-Cup, Bullet Club’s premiere miscreant came within arm’s reach of his first major singles title in NJPW this year, just his third with the promotion. After nearly a year layoff that just about canceled his second year with NJPW due to the pandemic, EL-P turned up just in time for Wrestle Kingdom 15 at the Tokyo Dome and has continued his journey to Jr. Heavyweight supremacy into the spring.
Thankfully for MP, the Headbanga was in good enough spirits on his flight back from Japan to answer some questions about his 2021 comeback.
Monthly Puroresu: What’s it been like being a gaijin living and training in Tokyo? Must be different compared to feeling small out there in the remote wilderness of the Pacific Northwest, super kicking trees?
月刊プロレス: 外国人が日本で生活し、トレーニングをするのはどのような感じでしたか カナダの太平洋岸北⻄ 部の森の中で、巨木の中で自分の小ささ感じたり、巨木を蹴ったりされていたのとは違いますか
EL-P: The biggest thing I noticed, which pisses me off, is the hassle to go to the gym. You gotta give them your membership card, they give you a locker card. You scan through 2 doors. You take your shoes off and carry them to the change room. You get changed into gym clothes and shoes, put the card in the locker, which gives you a key to wear. Then you carry your shoes out of the change room, put them back on and go train. And heaven forbid you look at your phone when you’re working out because that is against the rules. And then to leave, follow all the steps backwards.
EL-P:ジムに行くのが面倒でした。会員カードをフロントで渡すと、ロッカーカードがもらえます。ドアを つ通 って、靴を脱いで更衣室にいきます。ジムウェアとシューズに着替えて、カードをロッカーに入れると、鍵を受け 取ります。ジムシューズを履いてトレーニングを始めます。トレーニング中に携帯電話を見ることは禁止されてい ました。帰るときは、その手順の逆のことをします。
Monthly Puroresu: Do you have a strength & conditioning plan in place in order to move up to heavyweight? 月刊プロレス:ヘビー級に転向するためのストレングス コンディショニング計画はありますか
EL-P: I’m not finished with conquering the junior division, but if you paid any attention, I’m already bigger than a few heavyweights. So I’d be happy to put on an extra 5 lbs. when I finally decide to move up.
ジュニア部門の制覇ができていませんが、よく見ていただくと、私はすでにヘビー級の選手たちよりも大きくなっ ています。最終的に上を⺫指すのであれば、5ポンド 約1.5kg 余分に体重を増やす事も考えています。
Monthly Puroresu: Is your relationship good with both EVIL and Jay White? イーヴィルやジェイ·ホワイトとの関係は良好ですか
EL-P: I’m closer with Jay than I am Evil, because we both speak English. We all get along backstage and the bus, but everyone in Bullet Club loves my shenanigans.
Monthly Puroresu: You’ve a formidable team with Taiji Ishimori in the past couple of years – Since things are going so well, do you intend to continue partnering? Or do you see yourself as more of a singles star?
のでしょうか それとも、シングルスターとして活躍したいと考えていますか
EL-P: Me and Ishimori are forever partners, and both more than capable singles guys as he proved when I was locked out of Japan during covid.
私と石森は永遠のパートナーであり、二人ともシングルプレーヤーとして十分な能力を持っています。しかし、 それは私がcovidで日本に来ることができなかった時に、石森が気づかせてくれました。
Monthly Puroresu: Name one star in AEW or IMPACT you want to feel the instantaneous effects of SUDDEN DEATH
AEWやIMPACTでSUDDEN DEATHを実感したいスターを一人挙げてください。
EL-P: Darby Allin sure talks about death a lot, so I’d be happy to start that process for him.
ダービー·アリンはSUDDEN DEATHについてよく話しているので、彼のためにそのプロセスを始めてあげられたら 嬉しいですね。
Monthly Puroresu: I love listening to Bret Hart shoot interviews – his bitterness towards the change, progress in the ‘90s and opponents who didn’t wrestle ‘the right way’. Not to mention how he sees himself as a champion, a Canadian Hero. Why do you think Kenny Omega and El Phantasmo represent such a departure from tradition?
私はブレット·ハートのインタビューを聞くのが大好きです。彼は90年代の変化、進歩、そして「正しい方法」で レスリングを行わない相手に対して苦言を呈しています。もちろん、彼が自分をチャンピオン、カナディアン·ヒ ーローとして考えていることは言うまでもありません。ケニー·オメガとエル·ファナシュモは、なぜこのようは伝 統から逸脱した存在なのだと思いますか
EL-P: For the same reasons people call me a Modern Day Villain. It’s 2021, you have to adapt to the times. Everything is so connected and instantaneous these days you need to always be one step ahead. And Kenny? Well, great minds think alike.
同じ理由で、私は現代の悪役と呼ばれています。2021年、時代に適応しなければなりません。最近は皆が繋がって います。そのため常に誰よりも一歩先を行く必要があります。そして、ケニーと私は同じ考えを持ちます。
Monthly Puroresu: A lot of your matches involve spots and commentary that would go over the heads of most non-hardcore wrestling fans, but the rest of us laugh out loud at your performances. Do you see yourself as an entertainer?
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EL-P: A lot of the things I do go over a lot of people’s heads because I’m smart and you’re not. Sometimes I wish people would pick up more of the little things I leave for them. And pro wrestling is a spectacle, of course you need to be entertaining. Not everyone has “it” and “it” is something you cannot be taught.
Monthly Puroresu: You lost your title match at Castle Attack in a three-way match versus Bushi and El Desperado for the IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Championship. What’s next for El-P following such a big setback?
キャッスル·アタックでは、IWGP Jr.ヘビー級⺩座決定戦のブシ、エル·デスペラードとの3ウェイマッチでタイトル マッチを失いましたね。このような大きな挫折を経験したEl-Pの今後の活動について教えてください。
EL-P: You’ll have to keep up with my social media to find out what’s next. It’s a cute magazine, but it ain’t good enough to spoil the things I’ve got lined up.
今後の展開は、私のSNSをチェックしてみてください。可愛い雑誌ですが、私の計画を邪魔することはありませ ん。
This Q&A first appeared in Monthly Puroresu Issue #4
April 15, 2021