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DDT Pro Wrestling Will Book a Show in a Boat

11 months ago

DDT Pro Wrestling Will Book a Show in a Boat

After the mainstream impact the “Shinkansen” match between Sanshiro Takagi and Minoru Suzuki had in the world, DDT Pro Wrestling has announced their new experiment.

By: R. Faliani

If wrestling inside a bullet train was not enough for you, DDT Pro Wrestling brings something new and fresh to the scene. We have seen wrestling inside an empty Tokyo Dome, wrestling inside a campsite, wrestling in the streets, but unless you have a video of Atsushi Onita jumping on the river to promote FMW, we have not seen wrestling in a boat. DDT has been having a great year, and with their return from the pandemic era came the opportunity for DDT to be more DDT than ever and host the craziest matches we have seen, and this is just a glimpse of what hides in the mind of DDT’s owner and president Sanshiro Takagi.

Right after Ultimate Party 2023, an event that will expose DDT to the eyes of the world more than ever, with appearances from both Chris Jericho and Hiromu Takahashi, DDT will DDT their way to a House Boat, and both Takagi and the always eccentric MAO will participate in a wrestling match…inside. Will we see more crazy ideas coming from Takagi? Will he achieve his dream of taking the drama to a space station? Only time will tell.



