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Bryan Danielson Challenges Kazuchika Okada for Wrestle Kingdom 18

6 months ago Bryan Danielson challenges Okada for a rematch at Wrestle Kingdom. c/o NJPW

Bryan Danielson challenges Okada for a rematch at Wrestle Kingdom. c/o NJPW

Bryan Danielson Challenges Kazuchika Okada for Wrestle Kingdom 18

The American Dragon and The Rainmaker will face-off once again; this time at the Tokyo Dome.

By: James Carlin

Following the successful NEVER Six Man Tag Team Championship defence by Kazuchika Okada, Hiroshi Tanahashi and Tomohiro Ishii against TMDK, the lights went out and a VTR of Bryan Danielson played, officially challenging the Rainmaker for January 4th next year at Wrestle Kingdom 18.

In the video, Danielson remembers that Okada has injured him twice; once at Forbidden Door, and secondly in a tag team match on Dynamite just a few weeks ago – and the American Dragon is out for revenge.

Danielson also pays tribute to his time in Ring of Honor, wearing an eyepatch just like how he did when Takeshi Morishima injured his eye in 2007. If the past is any indicator, the American Dragon with an eyepatch is a dangerous person to come across.

Kazuchika Okada picks up the mic and accepts Danielson’s challenge, stating that he is the one that needs revenge.



