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CyberFight’s New President Yasuaki Okamoto Is ”The Leader”

10 months ago

CyberFight’s New President Yasuaki Okamoto Is ”The Leader”

By: R. Faliani

These recent days were filled with news coming from the Puroresu scene in Japan, many of them involving the whereabouts of the Best of the Super Juniors and the state of New Japan Pro Wrestling’s IWGP Heavyweight Title, as it will be part of All Elite Wrestling’s Double or Nothing. Nonetheless, what caught our attention most was the announcement of a new president in CyberFight, the brand that hosts Pro Wrestling NOAH, DDT Pro Wrestling, and Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling. The new president, Yasuaki Okamoto was one of the highlights in said announcement, alongside Keiji Muto who was named NOAH’s Scouting Advisor.

Okamoto, based on the Tokyo Sports report concerning this topic, is known to be a professional wrestling fan and a guy who is determined enough to be called “The Leader”. He’s the kind of fan who would not buy the front-row ticket, but one a little bit further. The change in management is one interesting for everything that comes with it but it’s more interesting now that we know Okamoto is a pro wrestling fan. It seems like the beginning of a new chapter for CyberFight, and Okamoto has declared he’s willing to take on any challenge approaching. The new era of Japanese wrestling continues, and it’s more interesting by the day.


