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Chris Brookes Challenges Eruption

11 months ago

Chris Brookes Challenges Eruption

The KO-D Openweight Champion Chris Brookes challenged Saki Akai in DDT Big Bang, but he’s now going to challenge Eruption for their KO-D 6-Man Tag Team belts.

By: R. Faliani

It was not fun and giggles when Saki Akai accepted Chris Brookes’s challenge at DDT Big Bang. The KO-D Openweight Champion wants to test Akai before she retires to close their rivalry in the highest note possible. As champion, Brookes stands as a leader, and as a leader he stands as a rival not only to Akai, but to her faction, Eruption. Today, Brookes decided to challenge Akai’s group to a 6-Man Tag Team Match for the KO-D 6-Man Tag Team Titles. Eruption’s leader, Yukio Sakaguchi, accepted Chris’s offer. This puts Akai in a big predicament, because she can lose her belts too en route to her match with Brookes. The KO-D Champion wants to have a taste of everything DDT has to offer, and he has already brought his ChocoPro gang to join him in this battle. Brookes will challenge Eruption alongside Mei Suruga and Masahiro Takanashi.

Brookes is DDT’s current leader, as he’s the KO-D Champion and seemingly, the face of the company. Akai is close to retirement, but she’s not close to giving up. If Akai beats Brookes in this match and then gets to win the KO-D Openweight Championship we could be seeing an all-timer retirement. But if she doesn’t, Brookes will stand as both the KO-D Openweight Champion and KO-D 6-Man Tag Champion. What an interesting turn of events we will see for DDT as we reach the climax of this final tour for Akai. Will we see her crowning like a champion, or will Brookes steal her dramatic dreams?


