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ChocoPro 300 Day 1 Review – 3.11.23

2 years ago

ChocoPro 300 Day 1 Review – 3.11.23

ChocoPro 300 Day 1 Review – 3.11.23

By: Jeff Brown

Live from Ichigaya Square, as Baliyan Akki begins by talking about how for at least the first 50 ChocoPro episodes, they always said it might be their last show. Now they feel stronger than ever and 300 is so momentous they will be having two days of matches to commemorate.

Tag Team Match

Black Comaneci (Antonio Honda & Tokiko Kirihara)  vs. SAKI & Yuko Sakurai (From COLOR’S)

Match begins with a series of back switches from Yuko and Tokiko with a rollup attempt. Honda and Saki tag in which sees an armringer with reversals into a hammerlock that leads to a snapmare into a rollup for a near fall. Saki rips off the headband of Honda weakening him so he can’t stand up from the mat. Honda calls for a timeout that leads to Black Comaneci using the grabber tools to pinch behind referee Mei’s back. Honda pulls out a toy gun and begins firing toy balls. Saki gets the hot tag and gets cut off by a neckbreaker by Honda. Tokiko lands a claw/STO on Saki then slaps on an armbar, Yuko runs in and Honda gets suplexed onto Tokiko. All four do the now patented flip flop and fly routine of Black Comaneci matches, Honda uses a paper fan but nails Tokiko and Saki gets the pin. (10:20)

Singles Match

Sayaka Obihiro vs. Tae Honma

Both go into a lockup and transition into arm ringer spots, but Tae screams in Obihiro’s face to get the advantage. Obi counters into her leg choke but Tae counters and goes for a Boston crab. Obi fires off a huge smack and the two begin trading massive strikes. Obi with another strike before Tae takes her down into a Fujiwara arm bar. Obihara gets a break but gets knocked into the alley. Tae hits a running dropkick for a big nearfall. Things break down into another chop and forearm exchange before they each get pin attempts. Tae slaps on a mounted Fujiwara arm bar for the submission victory. Post match both start striking each other again before walking away. (10:00)

Six Man Tag Team Match

Choun Shiryu, Sawasdee Kamen & Shin Suzuki vs. BestBros (Baliyan Akki & Mei Suruga) & Ken Ohka

Ken Ohka is again playing as Mei Suruga so Baliyan is tagging with two Meis. Clean handshakes from all six to start. Baliyan and Choun begin with headlock reversals into armringer exchanges. Mei tags in and lands an off window armdrag and headscissors. Ohka is in for a loud “Mei ” chant but gets a thunderous slap to his back, Ohka attempts the Mei window armdrag. All 3 Best Bros in for a triple submission spot. Bayliyan comes in a house of fire as he and Choun exchange vicious jumping head kicks. Choun then hits his window 619. Baliyan regains the advantage as Mei runs in with an off the wall foot stomp followed by her and Baliyan hitting off the wall splashes. Ohka tries and fails to hit an off the wall splash of his own. Mei gets tagged and runs wild, attempting an apple mutilation that Kamen counters into a choke. Baliyan attempts the Dolphin Splash with Ohka instead of Mei. Dudebuster from Kamen countered into a near-fall, Mei hits another foot stomp before the Dolphin Splash gets the pin. Mei gives Ohka a gift post match before all the 3 hug. (14:45)

Asia Dream Tag Team Title Match
CDK (Chris Brookes & Masahiro Takanashi) (c) vs. Orepan (Chie Koishikawa & Sayaka)

Brookes and Sayaka begin and Sayaka lands a giant slap, they both tag out as Chie and Takanashi trade guillotines. Chie does her too much energy power up to get out of an arm bar and hits her giant arm drag. Orepan goes for mounted slaps but eventually gets CDK in a double bow and arrow. Brookes counters into a tiltawhirl backbreaker as CDK now has a double submission attempt. Brookes throws Chie into the wall as CDK hits double stomps. Brookes puts Chies bow in his hair and Chie responds with another giant armdrag. Sayaka gets the hot tag and locks on a Boston Crab. Takanashi gets the advantage, working over Sayaka’s arm. Hope spot from Sayaka via front kicks but gets cut off with an over the window armbreaker. They start trading kicks and forearms and Sayaka lands a dropkick on Brookes. Chie with a big flurry of offense before nailing a giant chop that sounds like a gunshot and slapping on an octopus hold. Things break down as Sayaka gets nailed with a draping window dropkick but Chie gets a guillotine into a swinging DDT. Orepan stereo dropkicks but Brookes hits a wicked piledriver on Sayaka and cinches in a hanging cloverleaf. Brookes then hits some incredibly stiff chops to Sayaka before they start trading chops and forearms that lead to both slapping each other repeatedly. Brookes gets the better of the exchange and gets the cloverleaf again for the submission win. (24:25)

Janken Tournament

Chie loses to Honda

Final surprise entrant Minoru Fujita beats Honda to win the chocolate.

Day one was an extremely fun show that was the usual mixture of fun experimental wrestling and absolutely brutal wars. Tae Honma vs Obihari is perhaps the best 10min or under match this year. The main even highlights how far Chie and Sayaka have develop even when factoring in they were against two seasoned veterans in Chris Brookes and Takanashi.