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Chiitan☆ Makes Successful Wrestling Debut in DDT

1 year ago

Chiitan☆ Makes Successful Wrestling Debut in DDT

Chiitan☆ Makes Successful Wrestling Debut in DDT

By: J. Curbelo

DDT’s Mega Max Bump event today hosted the debut of viral sensation Chiitan☆, the popular yet chaotic fairy otter that was recently seen operating firearms at an extremely dangerous level. In the last few weeks, Chiitan☆ has been antagonized by resident mascot hater, Chris Brookes.

Tormented by mascots since he was a child, Brookes has already sworn vengeance at DDT’s very own mascot, Pokotan. It’s no surprise that he would target Chiitan☆ as soon as she stepped foot in the DDT ring. Since March, the two have developed an intense rivalry that exploded today in a six-living being tag team match involving Toru Owashi and Akito in Chiitan’s side and Masahiro Takanashi and Antonio Honda in Brookes’ side.

It was a heated encounter from the very first second, with the villainous team delivering an offensive array of strong strikes and the fairy otter doing her best with feral attacks, such as biting Honda’s hand when he tried to eye-rake her. The rage between all rivals was such that the match turned into an all-out war, prompting the interference of Pokotan himself to save his mascot colleague. Unfortunately, he was intercepted by Chris Brookes, who ended up stomping his head and temporarily decapitating him.

Despite the gruesome sight, the chaotic environment allowed Chiitan☆ to regain control of the match and isolate Antonio Honda to finish him off with an impressive Shining Wizard to win the match. Afterwards, Chiitan☆ helped Pokotan recover his head and shook hands with him, but in a bitter twist of events, Chiitan☆ ended up betraying the DDT mascot and beat him up with a bat, as she eventually revealed that she wants to prove she’s the cutest mascot in DDT.

Because of this act of double-crossing, Chiitan☆ will join Akito once again to take on Pokotan and Kazuki Hirata next Saturday, May 13th. Who will be the cutest mascot in the world?


