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Akira Hokuto: “Anyone Can Use The Northern Lights Bomb”

1 year ago

Akira Hokuto: “Anyone Can Use The Northern Lights Bomb”

Akira Hokuto: “Anyone Can Use The Northern Lights Bomb”

by: J. Curbelo

Akira Hokuto, one of the most innovative and captivating competitors of All Japan Women’s Pro Wrestling in its critically acclaimed decade of the 1990s, has begun a new series of interviews with Tokyo Sports. “Truths of the Dangerous Queen” will see Hokuto look back at her eventful life and career around the world while also giving her thoughts on current events.

In the first edition, she was asked about STARDOM’s Giulia, who has been universally accepted as the second coming of the Dangerous Queen after Akira Hokuto called her that during her hair vs hair match against Tam Nakano at All Star Dream Cinderella 2021. Giulia started adopting Hokuto’s Northern Lights Bomb finishing move afterwards, which she uses to this very day, including her World of Stardom Championship victory.

The original Dangerous Queen was asked if she had given Giulia permission to use it. “You don’t need permission,” said Hokuto while laughing, “I think anyone should use it freely. Whether it’s a regular thing or not, it’s up to you. When I saw [Giulia] at the Budokan Hall playing dirty and doing all these crazy things I said ‘Wow, she’s amazing. She’s a dangerous queen.’”

While Hokuto did give her blessings to her, she didn’t put too much weight on the nickname or the finishing move and encouraged other wrestlers related to her to do it as well, and even fight for it. “I hope Giulia makes it her own. And then maybe Rin [Kadokura, daughter-in-law of Hokuto] will use it, claiming she’s the true heir. But the ‘true heir’ could actually be Katsuhiko Nakajima. Wouldn’t a ‘Northern Lights controversy’ be interesting? I think so,” Hokuto told Tokyo Sports.

Using a legendary wrestler’s finisher can be a controversial situation, as another former World of Stardom Champion proved. Back in 2019, Bea Priestley (Now known as Blair Davenport in the WWE) incorporated Manami Toyota’s Ocean Cyclone Suplex to her repertoire of moves.

Toyota, one of Hokuto’s most remarkable rivals, publicly called her out for it as she exclusively passed that move to Tsukasa Fujimoto and Ikuto Hidaka, and did not give blessings to anyone else for the usage of the move. She explained she wanted her successors to hold that honor. At the end of the day, it’s a case-by-case situation, as Hokuto sees no issue with people adopting the moves she created.


