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AEW Star Couple Set to Make Debut in DDT

2 years ago

AEW Star Couple Set to Make Debut in DDT

AEW’s most beautiful couple is coming to Japan and DDT! Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford will make their debut at Nagoya!

By: R. Faliani

All Elite Wrestling and DDT Pro Wrestling announced their partnership back on 2022, and the wrestling content they have delivered since then has been top notch. With the likes of Konosuke Takeshita and Jun Akiyama appearing on Dynamite and Rampage, we figured it was only a matter of time before AEW wrestlers made the jump to Japan!

Kip Sabian has been an original on AEW since 2019, and the same can be said for Penelope Ford. The talented couple has a big chance to make their names known on Sanshiro Takagi’s company, and show their true potential! We know Penelope Ford was interested on Maki Itoh and Miyu Yamashita, and her debut at Nagoya could be the first step towards something even bigger in her career. We expect to see more AEW talent arriving in DDT soon for their incredible wrestling events.


