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Evolution Joshi Finally Debuts at Shinkiba 1st RING

2 years ago

Evolution Joshi Finally Debuts at Shinkiba 1st RING

Evolution Joshi Finally Debuts at Shinkiba 1st RING

By: J. Curbelo

After years of vague developments and back-and-forth rumors, Status Co. and AJPW launched their women’s wrestling venture through producers Shuji Ishikawa and Suwama: Evolution Joshi Pro-Wrestling. The company had set out to develop new talent back in late-2020, with many of the announced trainees dropping out in the process and new prospects joining in.

For a while, the thought amongst the community was that the project would go nowhere. Fortunately, it can be finally said that’s not the case. The first show took place today, March 31st, at Shinkiba 1st RING. Only three of the trainees had their debut matches against experienced freelance talent. The show was attended by 278 fans, nearly full-capacity for the venue.

ChiChi, Sunny and ZONES were the Evolution representatives, facing Yuu, Miyuki Takase and Rina Yamashita, respectively. All the rookies lost their matches in under 15 minutes, with powerhouse ZONES enduring the most at over 12 minutes, before being taken out with a lariat by Yamashita.

Despite their losses, the crowd expressed themselves to passionately support the newcomers. The wrestlers themselves felt frustrated but grateful and excited for what’s to come. It was already confirmed that the next Evolution show will take place at Shinkiba again, next May 5th.

Producer Shuji Ishikawa told the media that he was very happy with the end result of this first event, claiming that he’d score it an “80 out of 100”. He specially highlighted the audience’s support and vocal cheering, saying that he felt his passion for professional wrestling renewed.

After months and months of rumors, AJPW’s Evolution Joshi Pro-Wrestling was launched. Rookies ChiChi, Sunny and ZONES faced Yuu, Miyuki Takase and Rina Yamashita.


