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Ones To Watch, 11.21.22 – Yota Tsuji

Yota Tsuji

By: Sonal Lad 

Amongst the recent class of Young Lions, a rising star is definitely Yota Tsuji.

In April 2017, Tsuji became a Young Lion for New Japan Pro-Wrestling and made his debut with Yuya Uemura at Lion’s Gate Project 11. Throughout his time under the system, he not only had a huge rivalry with classmate Uemura but with the rest of the roster, finding ways to push himself in every match.

In September 2021, Tsuji finally made his excursion debut in Revolution Pro Wrestling in the UK. Throughout his time, he constantly developed his skills and character, especially after partnering with Gideon Grey. His matches and feud against fellow dojo mate Shota Umino, showing the development of both wrestlers since their Young Lion days.

Photo by Sonal Lad

At the recent Royal Quest shows in London, with JONAH being unable to attend due to flights, Yota Tsuji stepped up to challenge Tomohiro Ishii on night two.

During the match, although the heel, he gained a lot of attention for his improved offense. Along with his speed, Tsuji proved his diversity by incorporating Lucha Libre, doing offense usually reserved for Junior Heavyweights. He also managed to balance it with his heel character. Despite his loss, he opened a lot of fans’ eyes to his potential.

Photo by Sonal Lad

Since his Young Lion days and into his excursion, Tsuji has always shown a love for Lucha Libre. After some time in the UK, Tsuji has gone to Mexico to wrestle for CMLL and broaden his offense even more.

With Shota returning from excursion, Tsuji can’t be too far off. He has continued to impress across the world with his wrestling and new character, so it isn’t impossible to see Tsuji as a future IWGP champion.


