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Bari Bari Bombers’ Next Challengers Are Determined

1 year ago

Bari Bari Bombers’ Next Challengers Are Determined

It’s been three months since Giulia, Mai Sakurai and Thekla last defended the Artist of Stardom championships, but now they have some new challengers.

By: James Carlin

Following the 5★STAR GP match between Maika and Giulia, a challenge was made by Suzu Suzuki and Maika stating that they would team with Megan Bayne to take on the Bari Bari Bombers for the gold. This would mark the first defence since June for Giulia, Thekla and Mai Sakurai – who won the titles from REstart at Flashing Champions in May.

Photo courtesy of Stardom

The trio of Maika, Suzuki and Mei Seira have been a bit of an odd couple as of late. Maika may still be affiliated with Donna del Mondo, but she has been recently teaming with the unaffiliated Suzuki and Seira more and more, and the four women seem to be looking to hold as many titles as possible with Mei Seira being accepted for her High-Speed Championship challenge by Saki Kashima. Giulia has also loomed the possibility of Donna del Mondo over Suzuki’s head too, and the duo will team at the Dream Tag Festival on September 10th against Utami Hayashishita and Maika.


